Hologram stickers are the remarkable invention of their time. Got confused about the word ‘hologram’? Don’t worry, let me explain that to you. The hologram is a technology that uses light to reflect and portray exposure to different colors. In holography, the wave nature of light is used, whereas in a normal photograph the lens is used for focus.
Hologram stickers are custom stickers that offer various colors while moving them at a specific angle as they have traveled through the process of holography.
I hope now you have a random idea of what is a hologram sticker. While going through the blog, you will get a better idea of it. So, without further ado, let’s jump into its history.
History of custom-made hologram stickers:
According to research, the first hologram was made by Gabor in 1947 while he was refining the filtered light. It was the first time that the system of holography was invented “accidentally”. However, after that, this system was recognized and used for different purposes. Among these, hologram sticker printing is at the top.
Custom hologram stickers saw a huge boom in their time since the invention of this technology. Various genres used these stickers ranging from security stickers and company logo stickers to hologram stickers custom-made for entry passes and QR code stickers.
But over time this usage of these stickers became rare as modern technology of three-dimensional stickers overcomes it.
Yet the question is is this industry dying? The answer is a big no!
Current Market of Custom Hologram Stickers:
The results of various research show that the current stickers market has an almost 47% share of hologram stickers. And among them, the major chunk is security hologram stickers. Even you can recall your experiences of having to interact with these stickers, while getting your checkbooks, on buying authentic products, seals on mobile phone boxes, security passes of the secured area, all use custom hologram stickers as they requirements.
In addition to that, the market for hologram stickers becomes skyrocketed since the gadget era started. The techy companies are the major customers of hologram printing services. As these products require a guarantee from the manufacturer, hence, the seal made of three-dimensional stickers that cannot be copied is a guarantee for them. According to a rough estimate, among security stickers, 76% of hologram stickers are ordered by these techy enterprises.

These three-dimension stickers are secure and cannot be replicated, hence, the product cannot be replicated, and the customer gets the authentic product.
Including security stickers, hologram stickers are used for various other purposes too. For instance, the second most used hologram sticker is as labeling of a company brand. Different companies used these hologram stickers to label their products and offer a seal to confirm that this product is authentic and that customers can buy it without an iota of doubt.
Types of Hologram Stickers that kept it at the Top of the Competition:
To some extent, you have now got the idea that hologram stickers are giving strict competition to other types of decals and stickers. And from this, it is almost vivid that this industry is not going anywhere. However, to make it more substantial, let me explain the types of custom hologram stickers that played a vital role in making them a strong competitor in the market.
1. Self-adhesive Hologram Stickers:
One can say that all the stickers are self-adhesive, but this is not the real case. Only hologram stickers are considered self-adhesive stickers as they are manufactured this way they can be pasted without any hurdle. Moreover, the UV inks that are used in these stickers made them stand out in the competition.
2. Temper Proof hologram Stickers:
This characteristic makes hologram stickers custom-made, as it provides complete freedom to the company, whatever it wants to print on the back side of the sticker, it can. Furthermore, it offers a sense of security as when this sticker is peeled off from the surface, it will leave something written on the surface. From which one can assess that there was something pasted. Ultimately, it is a guarantee of security.
3. Promotional Stickers
Companies use hologram stickers for the promotion of their products. Why do they use this sticker? The answer is it is long life and waterproof too. In addition to that, it offers a variety of colors and designs. Hence, promoting among the strict competition, it is a brilliant option.
These are some examples of hologram stickers that make them inevitable in the competitive market.
Hologram Stickers cannot be left behind:
Some things are made to be there forever and even if they have strict and solid competition, they cannot be left behind. The same is the case with hologram stickers. They have made their undeniable position in the market.
The modern trend is going towards more secure transactions, devices, and tech. Custom hologram stickers have a strong footed place there. You can clearly see the credit cards, and debit cards, they have hologram printing and stickers on them. this shows their viability. The modern identity cards, chips, and passes all have hologram stickers pasted on them in any way.
As these things are making progress, so as the hologram stickers. Even statistics show that recently, the most searched question regarding stickers is how to make hologram stickers. This shows that the brands, companies, and enterprises are striving to get these stickers for their product and items.
This eventually proves that the hologram sticker industry is not going to die, at least not in this decade.

Why are hologram stickers used for authentication?
Hologram stickers are made of special material that cannot be removed easily, and the ink used in them is of high quality that offers a three-dimensional image. This offers a guarantee of authentication to the customer. Therefore, they are used as authentication stickers.
How to make hologram stickers?
Hologram stickers can be made at home too but for that, you need to have various items like inks, papers, and machines. Hence, Premium Custom Stickers is here to help you in this regard. Ask us and we will prepare for you the best custom hologram stickers on the market.
Can hologram stickers be copied?
No, the hologram stickers cannot be copied as they are manufactured in a specific die and unless you have that die, you cannot copy them.
Our Holographic Stickers Waterproof?
Yes! Holographic stickers are waterproof as they are made of a semi-plastic sheet that can resist water.
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